Ajax age of mythology
Ajax age of mythology

ajax age of mythology

As well as special units (Myrmidon, Hetairoi, and Gastraphetes) being trainable and can be trained at all Greek military buildings. You will also be able to build a Statue of Lightning, you can build more houses (100+ population for each house until you reach 300), infinite watch towers, each tree has 20000 wood (Gaia forest tree 25000), gold mines can have upwards of 600000 gold, and villagers and fishing ships gather more of all resources. Both guardians and the walking Poseidon statue will spawn at your temple at Mythic Age, so long as you already have a temple built, they also spawn at enemy temples and can even be seen in cutscenes. Be wary that your enemy AI can and do build the shrine and train, so far it is usually only Kemsyt, Prometheus, and Servant of Kronos.

ajax age of mythology

Have you ever played through AOM, saw Kronos, Prometheus, God Arkantos, or Osiris, and thought, "I wish I could play as them!" And wanted to have every civilisation able to train them?! Well wish no longer! With my proto and techtree mod, you will be able to train the following units from a shrine  Kastor, both young and as an adult, Circe (no spawn limit), General Melagius (might not spawn in some civs, should hopefully be able to figure out a fix), Chiron, Odysseus (might not spawn in some civs), Servant of Kronos, Gaia, Kronos, Prometheus, Ajax (both original and older), Arkantos (Hero), Arkantos (Demigod - no spawn limit), Arkantos (God - no spawn limit), Amanra (both original and older), Theris, Agamemnon, Hero of Ragnarok (no spawn limit), Nidhogg (no spawn limit), Polaris (no spawn limit), Reginleif, Ornlu, Eitri, Brokk, Setna, Kemsyt, Pharaoh of Osiris (no spawn limit), Kamos, King Folstag, Gargarensis, Osiris (no spawn limit). All the units are extremely high powered, for example Gaia now has 2500 hack and crush damage, and all units have 99% hack crush and pierce armour. All Greek heroes for Zeus, Poseidon and Hades are trainable at Town Centers and Fortresses.

Ajax age of mythology